Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME

February 1st, 2010 ~ It's my birthday, whoo whoo, it's my
birthday!! Yeh~38!!!! My kids think that's 'grandma age'!
Me, I love my 30's!
I've had a good day. Bernie made me breakfast then I had
lots of phone calls, texts and instant messages from sisters'
Jenny, Teresa and Becky, Mom and Dad, friends Monica
and Tonya and Grace throughout the morning. Friend Tonya
came over and spent the morning with me and brought me
one of her awesome gifts! I so enjoyed her company this
morning! Then Bernie came home and we picked up Grace
and headed to Paxton to pick up Cade then went on to Brady
to attend Tyler's junior high basketball game. We won! Tyler
had a great game and scored 6 pts! Had lots of well wishers
at the game. Afterwards we met up with Garrett after his basket
ball practice and ate supper at The Gap. Lisa stopped down with
a gift while we were there. All in all I had a pretty good day and
was just so thankful that I'm feeling a little better and was up to
getting out and 'celebrating' today. Only thing that would've made
it better would have been to see my folks' and sisters'. Unfortunately
they were attending the funeral of our dear family friend Dorothy so
could not be two places at once which is just how it happened to work
out this year. But, they told me I was a 'big girl' now and could wait for
my presents! Darn! LOL! But truthfully, I feel like it's been my birthday
for 2 weeks now with all of the beautiful flowers and cards and gifts I've
received since I was in the hospital! I just feel SO blessed by everyone's
thoughtfulness and concern and prayers! Thank you to all for making me
feel so special, that is a gift in itself! ~ Happy Birthday's to
many, many more................

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday a day late! I was thinking about you yesterday! My mom tried telling me you were 39...I said I didn't think so, I think she is only 38! Glad you had a good day and are starting to feel better!
    love you,
